Any one can sew which, I think, my progress bears testimony of. Lily's quilt was quilted by Natalia of Piece and Quilt. I got it bound the first night home from California. (I actually took it to CA with me along with my optimism.)
I also finished a fabulous quilt for my baby. The pattern is a free pattern from Moda Bakeshop and was so cute that I got it done within 1 month of printing the instructions of the computer. It was also pretty simple although the letters took some effort. Oh, and lesson learned, you can't do too much machine sewing with the heat-n-bond extra hold. It's very sticky and I had to change my needle when I was done with the lettering. The instructions actually tell you not to machine quilt it but I did it anyway. It worked alright but I think I'll try the lighter stuff next time.
YAY! It looks great all finished Beth!